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Selective Supplier Diversity Statement:

Selective Insurance Company of America (“Selective”) is committed to growing our diverse supplier base by seeking qualified suppliers. Selective will provide an opportunity for diverse suppliers to compete for Selective’s business of procuring goods and services. Our diversity program is designed to engage the best suppliers who share our values of trust, integrity, inclusion, and service excellence.

Procurement Policy:

Selective seeks to maximize competitive procurement opportunities by soliciting competitive bids and proposals before purchasing goods and services. Consistent with our Supplier Diversity Statement, Selective’s Procurement Department makes good faith efforts to include at least one certified diverse vendor in all supplier sourcing and is building and refining a preferred list of diverse vendors. Depending on the goods or services to be procured, Selective’s Procurement Department will determine the most appropriate method to obtain best value, including requests for proposals, previously negotiated rates, reverse auctions, quote requests, or discovery postings.

Business Classifications:

Selective's supplier diversity program includes minority business enterprises (MBE), veteran-owned business enterprise (VOBE), lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender business enterprises (LGBTBE), and women business enterprises (WBE). Click below to learn more about each.

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

Veteran Owned Business Enterprise (VOBE)

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Business Enterprise (LGBTBE)

Women Business Enterprise (WBE)

How to Participate:

All interested suppliers are required to register in the Supplier Diversity Network at www.ariba.com. Diverse businesses must complete the Certifications tab in the Ariba network, which includes self-certification. Registered suppliers will receive other leads to postings from Selective and other businesses using the Ariba platform. Registered suppliers selected as a possible Selective supplier will receive a link to complete the Selective Supplier Profile Questionnaire through Ariba. Upon completion and vetting, your company profile will be available to Selective’s sourcing team for possible inclusion in future procurement activities.

Although Selective may invite you to participate in a sourcing event, there is no guarantee that an award of business will be made solely on diverse certification status. All suppliers -- certified diverse suppliers or not -- must be additionally qualified by Selective as the best possible fit for the particular business need.

All diverse suppliers must update their profile account information and certification information before the one-year expiration date. Failure to update can result in your deactivation as a possible Selective vendor.

We monitor and report our direct and indirect spend with certified diverse suppliers to insurance regulators with the goal of increasing opportunities for Minority Owned Businesses, Women Owned Businesses, and Veteran Owned Businesses.