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When there is a prediction of a potential weather event, don’t wait until the last minute to get prepared. Start now so that you may keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

It is important to make a Disaster Supply Kit. The following is a list of supplies you might consider including in your kit:

  • Water – at least one gallon daily per person for 3 to 7 days
  • Food – enough for 3 to 7 days
    • Non-perishable packaged or canned food
    • Food for infants or the elderly
    • Manual can opener
    • Utensils and paper plates
  • Blankets, Sleeping Bags and Pillows
  • Clothing
    • Long and short sleeve shirts
    • Pants and shorts
    • Sturdy shoes
    • Rain gear
  • First aid kit/Prescriptions
  • Flashlight- battery operated (extra batteries)
  • Pet supplies including food, immunization records, leash
  • Toiletries
  • Cell phone- charged and extra battery
  • Cash – ATMs may not be working
  • Keys to house and car
  • Games, toys and books
  • Important documents including insurance, bank accounts, medical records, etc.
  • Wrench and pliers to turn off utilities
  • Radio- so you can listen to news in case of no power

Prior to any disaster you should meet with your family and have a family plan:

This plan should include:

  • Discuss the type of hazards that can affect your family such as storm surges, flooding, wind
  • Locate the safest room in your home or community for each hurricane/tornado hazard
  • Determine escape routes from your home and places to meet
  • Have an out of state family member or friend that is a single point of contact for all members of your family
  • Have a plan for what to do with your pets in case of evacuation
  • Make sure your children have all emergency numbers and know how to call these numbers. Post numbers near phones
  • Take First Aid, CPR and disaster preparedness classes

In the event that you are evacuated the following guidelines will help you to evacuate safely:

  • Keep a full tank of gas in your car. Gas stations may be closed or not have power to allow you to pump gas
  • Make transportation arrangements with friends or government agencies if needed
  • Gather disaster supply kit
  • Listen to a battery operated radio and follow evacuation instructions
  • Gather your family and follow evacuation instructions
  • Leave early enough so that you avoid being trapped by severe weather
  • Follow evacuation routes. Do not take shortcuts as they may be blocked
  • Be alert for washed out roads and bridges. Avoid all flooded areas
  • Stay away from downed power lines

If time permits:

  • Make sure you are wearing sturdy shoes and clothing that protects you from the rain and bad weather conditions such as long pants, long-sleeved shirts and a hat
  • Secure your home by locking and closing windows; secure lawn furniture and outdoor implements
  • Unplug electrical equipment in your home and garage. Leave refrigerators and freezers plugged in unless there is a risk of flooding
  • Let others know you are evacuating
  • Grab a cooler and fill it with ice (and beverages of your choice…)