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Be Prepared for a Flooding Event

At Selective, we know floods are a stressful time, which is why we offer a variety of resources to help you prepare, handle and recover from a flood claim should one occur.

Have You Just Experienced a Claim?

Follow our helpful tips below to understand what to expect during the claims process.

When reporting your claim, be sure to have your policy number handy and a phone number where you can be reached.

  • If safe, collect receipts and itemized lists of your belongings damaged by the flood.
  • Take photos of the water and any of your property or belongings that may have been damaged by the flood.
  • Keep swatches (small samples) of damaged carpets, curtains or other fabrics damaged for your adjuster.
  • Once your claim has been reported, an adjuster will be assigned and will contact you to set up an appointment to determine the flood damage. You should work with your adjuster to prepare an accurate estimate. The adjuster will provide a proof of loss statement for you to sign and return to Selective within 60 days of the date of loss. If you disagree with the adjuster’s assessment, you may file your own statement within 60 days of the loss.
  • Review your policy, as it may have limited coverages in a basement and other areas of your home.

For additional information, please refer to the NFIP's Flood Insurance Claims Handbook.

Understanding Flood Coverage When Your Basement Floods

Learn more about what is and may not be covered by a standard flood policy in your basement. The best way to find the right coverage to meet your unique risk needs is to discuss them with an independent agent.

How to Prepare for a Flood

How to Recover from a Flood

For more flood claim tips or resources, visit Ready.gov, FEMA.gov or Selective's Facebook page.